GREY GOOSE Vodka, a sponsor of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association, joined forces with renowned American hat designer Eric Javits to create a one-of-a-kind hat worn by Molly Sims at the 2008 Kentucky Derby. The elegant lantern silhouette, sashed in silk chiffon all in shades of silver blue, were selected in keeping with the Grey Goose colors and brand image. Javits' idea was to marry the cool excitement of GREY GOOSE Vodka with Audrey Hepburn' s character in the film "Breakfast at Tiffany' s." Both hatbox and hat are autographed by actress Molly Sims and designer Eric Javits.

I am not a fan of Grey Goose. Actually I don't like any vodka. But, Molly Simms has my vote for the best dressed celeb at the Derby.We must have the same taste since we are both from Western KY.... You can even bid on her hat at auction. Just go to All of the proceeds go the Barnstable Brown Foundation.
Did you bid yet? how was the rest of the meeting?
it was so fun to see you tonight! i hope we didn't embarass craig! we need to get together as soon as your school is over!!
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